| 8.1 | Traffic accidents, introduction |
| 8.2 | Traffic accidents, physical factors |
| 8.3 | Traffic accidents,psychological factors |
| 8.4 | Traffic accidents, driver behavior |
| 8.5 | Emergency situations, general |
| 8.6 | Emergency situations, mechanical failure |
| 8.7 | Emergency situations, other |
| 8.8 | Emergency breakdowns on the roadway |
| 8.9 | Hazardous roadways |
| 8.10 | Hazardous weather and other natural phenomena |
| 8.11 | Accident avoidance and prevention |
| 8.12 | Accident avoidance, defensive driving |
| 8.13 | Accident avoidance, specific types of collisions |
| 8.14 | Protecting yourself in an unavoidable accident |
| 8.15 | Procedures when involved in an accident |
| 8.16 | emergency scenes, when you are not involved |
| 8.17 | Financial responsibility |
| 8.18 | Unit 8 Test |